It's a very strange place, where elephants have been found at 16,000 feet and a leopard at 17,000 feet. And despite being almost slap bang (scientific phrase) on the equator there's snow too, even a glacier, though not for long if you believe all that CC stuff.
I didn't see a leopard or an elephant, though not for want of trying, and a fair amount of huffing and puffing.
If you want a brilliant account of climbing this mountain, go no further than 'No picnic on Mount Kenya', the true story of three Italian POWs who escaped from their British camp in Kenya during WW2, just to climb it (and then return to their camp!). A movie was made of the book, called 'The Ascent', and if you have a copy, I'd love to borrow it.
Despite being far better equipped than the Italians (who had to make their own climbing gear) it was still hard work and pretty nippy at height. Recommended though.

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